Intervention Programs
The Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood (TIS for EC) offers resources and multi-day training to help educators, support staff, administrators, counselors, and other service providers, partner organizations, and community-based organizations, identify children who have experienced trauma or toxic stress and how they can support these children against long-term harm.
Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood Goal
The overarching goal of the Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood is to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and best practices for working with and identifying students who have experienced trauma and toxic stress. Giving educators, support staff, administrators, counselors, and other service providers the tools to support children against long-term harm.
Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood - Professional Learning
Trauma-Informed Pathway
The Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Education Pathway is designed to provide early childhood providers with knowledge, competencies, and specific tools needed to protect children who have experiences trauma and toxic stress against long-term harm. Participants will learn how to disarm fear, optimize learning, and facilitate healing for vulnerable children. This year-long, multi-day training will offer early childhood providers with a better understanding of trauma-informed practices and will be better equipped to meet the needs of all children in their care.
Trauma-Informed Practices and the Developing Brain
TBRI® - Connecting Principles
TBRI® - Empowering Principles
TBRI® - Correcting Principles
Other Important Professional Learning
Building Teacher Resilience in Preschool Classrooms - How to Keep Your Cup Full (3-hour course)
The course focuses on the importance of self-care and building teacher resiliency. Working with young children is rewarding but it can also be exhausting. The responsibility that comes with caring for young children can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling frustrated and leading to teacher burn-out. In order to keep up with the demands of dealing with challenging behaviors, working with families, and the day to day responsibilities of classroom management requires a full cup. We will look at what the research states about how vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue impacts our well-being, making it difficult to be fully present to care for the children in our classrooms. This course will provide you with simple strategies to help you keep your cup full. We will use reflective activities to help you determine the best strategy for creating and maintaining balance in your personal and professional life. You will learn how to use self-regulation tools that work for children and adults fora more calm, peaceful learning environment.
Building Classroom Connections with Trauma-Informed Practices through Conscious Discipline (6-hour course)
This training is based on Conscious Discipline, which is a trauma-informed and evidence-based program by Dr. Becky Bailey. Participants will learn the Seven Basic Skills that are based on brain research to create a safe, connected, and problem-solving environment. Participants will learn how to integrate social-emotional learning, discipline, and self-regulation interventions within their classroom. This training will inspire and empower you to create a school family to help all children have a foundation for a lifetime of resilience.